Friday, June 7, 2013

The Boy Who Lived!

 Well... he survived & beat the evil Lord Voldermort only to be taken out & Ratfinked by that most wicked & diabolical of wizards

Ed `Big Daddy' Roth!
 For as long as I can remember I have been a fan of the late great Ed Roth, his cars, the T shirts etc.
I thought it might be interesting to answer the question that nobody ever asked... What would happen if he had encountered Harry Potter?
In my attempt above we see the boy wizard himself & his little friend Ron Weasley (& of course Ron's Dad's Ford Anglia!) having just been hit by the wand of Big Daddy!

Thursday, June 6, 2013

The Hooded Man!

This is one of my earlier ArtRage paintings.  It is my attempt at portraying Robin Hood or `The Hooded Man' as Clannad once referred to him long, long ago!

It's been a while since I posted anything. In truth I haven't been doing much in the way of `art' recently due to other commitments absorbing my time.  That's not to say that I have done nothing at all, as I do have one or two little pieces of digitally created work that are in-progress (including a Discworld inspired ArtRage painting & further work on old Robin, as seen above), but it's just finding the energy at the end of the day - usually late at night, to buckle down & do it. 

There's also the enthusiasm aspect!  My work gets a very small audience, whether I showcase it at deviantArt or ImagineFX, here at Blogger or some place else, there is practically zero feedback.  Therefore I don't really know if what I am doing is of any worth or merit!  But I shall persevere!

In the meantime I hope you enjoy my depiction of Robin Hood.