Monday, January 2, 2012


Well here is my first Blogger blog!  I'm just going to introduce myself really;

My name is David Ellison & I am an amateur musician & artist. A lot of the online stuff that I have created goes collectively under the moniker MithrilSilverteeth.

Why the name MithrilSilverteeth (you might ask)?  I have no idea actually, I guess it just has a ring to it!

Artwise a lot of what I do at the moment is digital art which ranges in styles from fantasy & landscapes

 to `lowbrow' art as seen below - stuff that's in the style of famed hot rod `T' shirt artist Ed Roth & similar artists.

I certainly don't profess to being an expert at anything I do - I'm still learning. But it is stuff that I love doing & feel the need to share with anyone who may be interested.
I have posted quite a bit of what I've done so far on sites such as deviantArt & ImagineFX as well as some stuff on my Facebook page.  Aside from the digital stuff I also like to do `real' art. So when those rare chances permit I like to paint in acrylics or draw with pencil or charcoal.

My musical endeavours at this point in time are less prolific as is in the case with my painting - time is not my own!  I have a day job to do as well as family commitments so my creative activities have to take a back seat unfortunately.
Having said that I have managed to post a little sample of one of my on-going compositions which can be viewed with a little vid' at my mithrilsilverteeth Youtube page. I have also started to put some work in progress music on SoundCloud.

 Anyway that's it for now - I'm rambling a bit in an effort to think of things to say!  But I shall post again soonish.

 Bye for now.