Saturday, April 14, 2012

Dragon Fly!

It's probably been done before by someone but here is my interpretation of a Dragon fly...

Hope you enjoy viewing this little piece. If you do please feel free to check out more of my stuff by clicking on the Links at the top of this page.


Wednesday, March 21, 2012

I've Been Commissioned!

I'm currently working on what (for me) amounts to my first requested work!  I have been given the task of coming up with a piece of work that needs to comply to a specified criteria (subject, size etc) for a private commission to be completed by a certain date.
Commission is perhaps not the correct term as it is a private work to be handed over as part of a gift but that having been said, for me it is the nearest thing to doing a (commissioned) piece & I am quite flattered that I have been asked to do it. It is also an essential learning experience for me to come up with something from scratch & before a deadline!

So far all is going to plan.


Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Discworld Wiki

Ah some good news to brighten my afternoon!  My `The Cunning Man' painting is now on display at the Discworld Wiki site.  While I know it's not exactly a lucrative publishing deal, as an amateur & aspirational artist to have one of my little pieces of work chosen for illustration purposes thrills me to bits!

Bleak Mid-winter

The horrendous commute to work this morning makes me realise I would paint for a living for a substantial pay reduction rather than have to deal with the aggression & thuggery of the UK's car drivers on a daily basis!

Monday, February 6, 2012

The Cunning Man

 I've long been a fan of Sir Terry Pratchett's Discworld books.  When I read  `I Shall Wear Midnight' a few months ago I was struck by the rather sinister character known as `The Cunning Man', especially at the point where he first appears in the story.
I love the description of how he first manifests himself to our heroin Tiffany Aching seemingly from nowhere on a fine sunny day as she makes her way to the city of Ankh Morpork. There's a real presence of malevolent evil about the character.

The picture above is my attempt to depict the character at the point he makes his first appearance in the book.
Like a lot of my digital paintings I have created it using ArtRage 2.6 together with a Wacom tablet.  This is still a work in progress, for example I have expanded the picture to show a little more of the foreground (you can see his feet) & I have made other alterations here & there.  There is a possibility that the version shown above may appear on the Discworld Wiki site as an illustration, which I have to say I'm quite proud about!

If you wish to know more about The Cunning Man I heartily recommend ` I Shall Wear Midnight '.

I hope you enjoy viewing this painting.

Bye for now.


Thursday, February 2, 2012

Skateboarding's Not a Crime!

Just been doing some tiling!

Just fooling around with a scan (& subsequently a `crop') of a photo that I originally shot waayyyyyy back in 1988.

Here's hoping you dig!


Monday, January 2, 2012


Well here is my first Blogger blog!  I'm just going to introduce myself really;

My name is David Ellison & I am an amateur musician & artist. A lot of the online stuff that I have created goes collectively under the moniker MithrilSilverteeth.

Why the name MithrilSilverteeth (you might ask)?  I have no idea actually, I guess it just has a ring to it!

Artwise a lot of what I do at the moment is digital art which ranges in styles from fantasy & landscapes

 to `lowbrow' art as seen below - stuff that's in the style of famed hot rod `T' shirt artist Ed Roth & similar artists.

I certainly don't profess to being an expert at anything I do - I'm still learning. But it is stuff that I love doing & feel the need to share with anyone who may be interested.
I have posted quite a bit of what I've done so far on sites such as deviantArt & ImagineFX as well as some stuff on my Facebook page.  Aside from the digital stuff I also like to do `real' art. So when those rare chances permit I like to paint in acrylics or draw with pencil or charcoal.

My musical endeavours at this point in time are less prolific as is in the case with my painting - time is not my own!  I have a day job to do as well as family commitments so my creative activities have to take a back seat unfortunately.
Having said that I have managed to post a little sample of one of my on-going compositions which can be viewed with a little vid' at my mithrilsilverteeth Youtube page. I have also started to put some work in progress music on SoundCloud.

 Anyway that's it for now - I'm rambling a bit in an effort to think of things to say!  But I shall post again soonish.

 Bye for now.